Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction

The LU Tutoring Center

Need help in a particular course? Want to connect with fellow LU students who have successfully明星辅导 completed your course? Want to enhance your learning and study skills?

The LU Tutoring Center offers tutoring sessions for 十大电子游艺网站排行 undergraduate courses virtually and in-person.

To request your tutoring appointment, please click the button below. If you have issues when completing your request or need assistance, contact The LU Tutoring Center at starstutoring@776kingston.com or (409) 880-7526

It is important to plan ahead and tutoring spots are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. Although students can sign up for a tutor at any point in the semester, STAR Services encourages students to request a tutor early in the semester for maximum benefit and to avoid scheduling delays.

辅导实验室    请家教    Apply to be a Tutor

The LU Tutoring Center on the first floor of the Mary and John Gray 图书馆. We make every effort to find tutors for your courses. Appointment times are flexible. We will work with your schedule.

The STAR Services Tutor Training program is 认证 by the internationally recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA), so our peer tutors understand best practices in learning support.

Hours (Summer 2023)

The LU Tutoring Center is open for in-person appointments from 6月1日 通过 8月. 3rd.

LU Tutoring Center Schedule Summer 2023

星期一至星期四 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

虚拟 appointments may be scheduled at other times, depending on tutor availability.

Hours (Fall 2023): 

First day of tutoring: 8月. 28th, Last day of tutoring: 12 月. 4th

LU Tutoring Center Schedule for Fall 2023

周一 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
周二 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
周三 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
周四 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
周日 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.

面对面 tutoring sessions are available by appointment during open hours. 虚拟 tutoring sessions are available any time based on tutor availability. 

虚拟 Tutoring Sessions

Students utilizing virtual tutoring will receive a link to online tutoring sessions 通过 十大电子游艺网站排行 e-mail. For additional information, please download and read “Student’s Guide for Blackboard Tutoring."

Learn more information about online advising. 

Complete Our Satisfaction Survey

Supplemental Instruction


Students who attend Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions:

  • Earn higher final course grades and drop out of courses less frequently than non-participants
  • Learn from trained Leaders, peers who have already taken and been successful in the course
  • Collaborate with classmates to compare notes, 讨论阅读材料, develop organizational tools, and predict exam questions

Students can check the 会议日程安排 to see what SI sessions are being offered at LU. Instructors who are interested in starting or renewing SI for their courses should submit a 会话请求.


会议日程安排          会话请求

Key Elements of Supplemental Instruction

  • SI identifies traditionally difficult academic courses rather than high risk students; SI is not a remedial academic program.
  • SI provides an opportunity for students to learn 如何学习 在学习 学习什么.
  • Participation in a SI sessions is voluntary, free, and open to all students in the course.
  • Leaders are trained in group facilitation methods, student learning theory, and study techniques.
  • SI sessions usually begin the 2nd week of classes after students are polled to select the best meeting time.
  • Instead of relecturing to participants, Leaders facilitate and encourage the group to process the material.
  • SI sessions are normally held twice weekly and last 1 to 1.5个小时.

What courses typically offer Supplemental Instruction sessions?

Supplemental Instruction sessions are typically offered for STEM subjects—such as Biology, 化学, 数学, 工程, and Nursing—but we are always looking for new courses. 

How will I know if Supplemental Instruction is offered for my course? 

During the first week or two of class, the Leader will announce that a session will be offered and give a brief introduction and details about the session day, time, 和位置. Students may also check the 会议日程安排.

How often will Supplemental Instruction sessions be offered?

Up to three hours of sessions may be offered per week, and session times will be announced by the Leader in class.

Apply to be a Supplemental Instruction Leader

To apply to be a Leader for Supplemental Instruction, please complete the following application. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact Dylana Sauerwein at starstutoring@776kingston.com

Become a Supplemental Instruction Leader