Project “首页 for the Holidays” returns for the 5th year

随着秋季学期的结束, Cardinals across campus flocked home for the holidays, 而是10名十大电子游艺网站排行的学生, the winter break yielded more than just hearty meals and laughs with family and friends.

这是第五年, 十大电子游艺网站排行招生办公室, Reaud Honors College and 德州 Academy have partnered together for a special holiday project called “首页 for the Holidays,” an initiative that seeks to bring together current LU students with high schools in both regional and local areas in Southeast 德州 during the academic holiday break.
The program first got its start in 2018 with a mission to attract students to LU through an “organic approach” and allow prospective students to interact with 十大电子游艺网站排行 offices in a non-traditional way. 现在, 每年秋季学期结束的时候, 十大电子游艺网站排行 students trek back to their respective high schools to connect with students, share personal stories and their experiences at 十大电子游艺网站排行, and discover new ways to stay involved with their alma mater. 回家过年的

Deidra梅尔, who serves as executive director of 招生 and Aid at the university, said the program provides an opportunity to showcase some of LU’s finest students inside a classroom setting.
“今年, we have 10 十大电子游艺网站排行 students representing nine high schools who are involved in this project. The Office of 招生 provides a working session with current students to discuss an overview of the project and recruitment basics” Mayer said. “Each student is then provided marketing materials –– information cards, 红衣主教大学宣传册, a gift for the school contact and more –– to bring with them during their visit.”

“罗德荣誉学院的学生们, 德州 Academy and scholarship students continue to show interest in this program each year and we've had some students participate more than once,”她说。. “The other great piece to this is getting the support from the schools and teachers who want to help expose their students to college life and encourage them to stay connected. 我们绝对计划让这个项目继续运行.”

自成立以来, Mayer said the “首页 for the Holidays” program has served as a prominent recruitment tool for the Office of 招生 and Recruitment citing that the department has continuously seen an influx of admitted students, especially from regional schools who have participated in the program.

“We try to be our authentic selves when we do ‘首页 for the Holidays,’ so we encourage our students to be authentic with their former classmates and talk about what college life is really like and what they can expect when they attend 十大电子游艺网站排行,”她说。. “未来的学生, 反过来, feel more confident with their decision and that's the best we could hope for.
Waverlee库珀, a junior biology pre-dental major and Reaud Honors College student, was among the 10 LU students in the program and said she considers this as her way of giving back to her alma mater.

“I think it's important for students to learn what they can at a young age to help them prepare for college. This was my first year participating in the program and I was able to sort of be a mentor, answer questions about pre-med and shed light on questions they had about certain programs,库珀说. “I think, now, they are better prepared for college, and they know what to expect. It was a huge honor to be able to participate in the program this year.”

桥头城, 德州, native said her trek back to her former high school was not only beneficial for future Cardinals, but it honed in on the nostalgia of her time as a high school students.

“It brought back a lot of memories walking into my former high school and seeing how much has changed since I've been there. It was great catching up with all my teachers that I was really close to and seeing new faces,”她说。. “The students are actually very interested in hearing more about LU and my time as a student. 你听说很多毕业生都去了卢大, but you don't really get all that insight about the opportunities, what they're involved in and what they like about their programs that they're involved in. 这是一个很好的方法.

This was Cooper’s first time participating in the “首页 for the Holidays” initiative, 但她说这不会是最后一次.

“I will continue to do participate in this program for the remainder of my college years because I think it's a great way to make new connections to students,”她说。. “It’s also a good way to educate the younger students at my high school about 十大电子游艺网站排行 and college life as a whole.”

至于项目本身的未来, Mayer said the trio of departments plan to continue their holiday tradition for years to come.

“我们看到了这个项目的增长, 即使面临大流行病的困难, and we fully intend to continue this program moving forward,”她说。. “我们一直在寻找让游戏变得更好的新方法, which is why we recently added 德州 Academy students to the mix.”

为红衣主教, 以及未来的准卡人, the “首页 for the Holidays” program is the gift that keeps on giving. 梅尔补充说,每年, 该计划的细节将在初秋敲定, so prospective students and regional high schools should keep an eye out for new opportunities then.